• The RESILIENT PRESCHOOLS project focuses on building the capacity of preschool teachers in order to foster to pre-school children psychological resilience and safe proof their overall wellbeing. The importance of cultivating these capacities as early as preschooler’s age is pivotal, since the earlier children start to become aware and built on their own capacities and character strengths, the greater will be the results in the long- run. To achieve that the RESILIENT PRESCHOOLS project will develop a multifaceted toolkit and training package that will address several psychological characteristics that derive from Positive Psychology core principles, Positive Education approach and Seligman’s (2011) PERMA model.
  • AIM
    Build the capacity of preschool teachers in order to foster to pre-school children psychological resilience and safe proof their overall wellbeing.

    Provide material and support so teachers will amplify their skills in nurturing children’s wellbeing, character traits and resilience. Develop quality resources for positive culture in preschools, based on Positive Psychology practices and scientific findings. Improve the overall quality of early educational system in the participating countries Increasing awareness on the role of various actors on the importance of wellbeing and resilience in young children.

    • Build the capacity of teachers, in nurturing children’s wellbeing, character traits and resilience.
    • Develop quality resources for positive culture in preschools, based on Positive Psychology practices and scientific findings.
    • Improve the overall quality of early educational system in the participating countries
    • Increasing awareness on the role of various actors on the importance of wellbeing and resilience in young children.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project Number: 2020-1-CY01-KA201-066080]
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