Autor: adminResilient


You can now have a look at the summary of the key points during RESILIENT PRESCHOOLS MULTIPLIER EVENT conducted in Cyprus as part of the final conference of the project under the Cyprus Education Summit 2022. The Cyprus Pedagogical Institute (CPI) and the Institute of Development (IoD) in collaboration with the non-governmental organization CARDET organized the multiplier event of the Resilient Preschools project under the Cyprus Education Summit 2022 on 26 November, 9:00 – 14:30, at the University of Nicosia (Cine Studio).


The Cyprus Pedagogical Institute (CPI) and the Institute of Development (IoD) in collaboration with the non-governmental organization CARDET organized the multiplier event of the Resilient Preschools project under the Cyprus Education Summit 2022 on 26 November, 9:00 – 14:30, at the University of Nicosia (Cine Studio). The Cyprus Education Summit takes place on an annual basis with the ultimate aim of exploring important aspects of education and also highlighting important actions and initiatives in the field. For the detailed conference program visit the conference website by clicking here. This year, the Resilient Preschool project and its topic were chosen as the core area of focus of the event which was dedicated to this EU project

74th World Assembly and OMEP International

The International Hellenic University (IHU) participated at the 74th World Assembly and OMEP International Conference and presented a poster about “Psychometric Properties of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test – Revised for Greek pre-schoolers”. The poster can be found here. The abstracts of the conference can be found here.

Poster presented at the OMEP Conference

The IHU participated in the OMEP 2022 – 74th World Assembly and Conference. The Resilient Preschool’s project was represented by the Greek team. You can find here the poster of the conference.

Factors that affect the resilience of pre-school children in Eight Asian countries during COVID-19 pandemic

Among many abilities and skills that facilitate young children’s sound development, resilience has emerged as an important psychological constituent especially in confronting the unpredictable future of the world such as the COVID-19 pandemic and global warming.
Numerous reports on the increased stress and mental illness of children during the COVID-19 pandemic have prompted us to launch a collaborative survey on the factors affecting children’s resilience among Asian countries. Using the network of researchers and practitioners in childcare (Child Research Network Asia: CRNA), we have conducted a questionnaire survey among mothers of 5-year-old children in 8 Asian countries.

Elevii care au luat 10 la evaluarea naţională
şi bacalaureat primesc premii în bani

Porivit HG nr. 899/2021, publicată în Monitorul Oficial nr. 811/2021, vor fi acordate noi sume de bani elevilor care au obţinut media 10 la evaluarea naţională şi la examenul naţional de bacalaureat pentru sesiunea iunie-iulie 2021. Astfel, potrivit actului normativ, stimulentul acordat de stat fiecărui absolvent al clasei a VIII-a care a obţinut media 10 la sesiunea de evaluare naţională este în valoare de 1.000 de lei, iar pentru absolvenţii de liceu care au obţinut media 10 la examenul de bacalaureat

Resilience and Wellbeing in Preschool Education to Prevent Emotional, Social and Behavioral Problems [Resilient preschools]

În calitate de partener, Universitatea din Pitești continuă implementarea
cu succes a proiectului Resilience and Wellbeing in Preschool Education to
Prevent Emotional, Social and Behavioral Problems [Resilient preschools],
număr de referință 2020-1-CY01-KA201-066080. Proiectul este finanțat prin
programul Erasmus+, Acțiunea Cheie 2 și este un parteneriat strategic pentru
educație școlară. Perioada de implementare este de 24 de luni, cuprinsă
între 01.12.2020 și 30.11.2022

Lucrãri de modernizare pe mai multe drumuri din Argeº

Consiliul Judeþean Argeº informeazã participanþii la traficul rutier cã, în 07.11 –
11.11.2022, va efectua, prin Regia Autonomã Judeþeanã de Drumuri ºi terþi în baza contractului
de administrare, urmãtoarele activitãþi la infrastructura rutierã:
Reparaþii asfaltice pe DJ 738 Mihãeºti – Poienari de Muscel, km 0+000-21+400, comunele
Mihãeºti, Poienari de Muscel;
Reparaþii asfaltice DJ 703 E Piteºti – Bãbana-Cocu, km 2+035 – 20+000, comuna Cocu
Întreþinere drum prin reprofilare DJ 703 G lim.jud Vâlcea – Ianculeºti – ªuici, km 14+000

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The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project Number: 2020-1-CY01-KA201-066080]
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