
Final Transnational Partners’ Meeting in Cyprus

Final Transnational Partners’ Meeting in Cyprus

Keep re using all the contents on #positivepsychology we preparedfor you https://elearning.resilientpreschools.eu/

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You can now have a look at the summary of the key points during RESILIENT PRESCHOOLS MULTIPLIER EVENT conducted in Cyprus as part of the..

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The Cyprus Pedagogical Institute (CPI) and the Institute of Development (IoD) in collaboration with the non-governmental organization CARDET organized the multiplier event of the Resilient..

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74th World Assembly and OMEP InternationalConference

74th World Assembly and OMEP International

The International Hellenic University (IHU) participated at the 74th World Assembly and OMEP International Conference and presented a poster about “Psychometric Properties of the Peabody..

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Poster presented at the OMEP Conference

Poster presented at the OMEP Conference

The IHU participated in the OMEP 2022 – 74th World Assembly and Conference. The Resilient Preschool’s project was represented by the Greek team. You can..

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Factors that affect the resilience of pre-school children in Eight Asian countries during COVID-19 pandemic

Factors that affect the resilience of pre-school children in Eight Asian countries during COVID-19 pandemic

Among many abilities and skills that facilitate young children’s sound development, resilience has emerged as an important psychological constituent especially in confronting the unpredictable future..

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Elevii care au luat 10 la evaluarea naţionalăşi bacalaureat primesc premii în bani

Elevii care au luat 10 la evaluarea naţională
şi bacalaureat primesc premii în bani

Porivit HG nr. 899/2021, publicată în Monitorul Oficial nr. 811/2021, vor fi acordate noi sume de bani elevilor care au obţinut media 10 la evaluarea..

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Resilience and Wellbeing in Preschool Education to Prevent Emotional, Social and Behavioral Problems [Resilient preschools]

Resilience and Wellbeing in Preschool Education to Prevent Emotional, Social and Behavioral Problems [Resilient preschools]

În calitate de partener, Universitatea din Pitești continuă implementareacu succes a proiectului Resilience and Wellbeing in Preschool Education toPrevent Emotional, Social and Behavioral Problems [Resilient..

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Lucrãri de modernizare pe mai multe drumuri din Argeº

Lucrãri de modernizare pe mai multe drumuri din Argeº

Consiliul Judeþean Argeº informeazã participanþii la traficul rutier cã, în 07.11 –11.11.2022, va efectua, prin Regia Autonomã Judeþeanã de Drumuri ºi terþi în baza contractuluide..

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Pilot implementation in Cyprus

Pilot implementation in Cyprus

Today Cypriot Resilient Preschools teachers participated in the pilot implementation which took via 2 online training sessions in Cyprus

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2nd Newsletter

2nd Newsletter

Partenerii proiectului RESILIENT PRESCHOOLS s-au intalnit online, inca din decembrie 2020, pentru a elabora, testa si furniza resurse de inalta calitate si bazate pe dovezi..

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IHU’s participation to workshop

IHU’s participation to workshop

International Hellenic University (IHU) was invited to participate in the International Week (16-19 November 2021) organized by the Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor of..

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SCOPUL NOSTRU Proiectul REZILIENȚA ÎN ÎNVĂȚĂMÂNTUL PREȘCOLAR va crea materiale pentru aplicații practice și îndrumare adresate profesorilor din învățământul preșcolar, menite a-i sprijini să utilizeze..

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1st Newsletter

1st Newsletter

PROIECTUL Proiectul RESILIENT PRESCHOOLS se concentrează pe consolidarea capacității educatorilor preșcolari de a încuraja rezistența psihologică a copiilor și, prin urmare, de a proteja bunăstarea..

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ISPA: Conference Participation

ISPA: Conference Participation

Our team had the honour to participate in the Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA), the largest global school psychology association affiliated with..

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The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project Number: 2020-1-CY01-KA201-066080]
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